module Fastlane module Actions module SharedValues SIGNED_APK_PATH = :SIGNED_APK_PATH end class SignApkAction < Action def UI.user_error!("Couldn't find '*release-unsigned.apk' file at path 'app/build/outputs/apk/'") unless params[:apk_path] UI.user_error("Need keystore in order to sign apk") unless params[:keystore_path] sign_cmd = ["jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1"] sign_cmd << ["-keystore #{params[:keystore_path]}" ] if params[:keystore_path] sign_cmd << ["#{params[:apk_path]}"] if params[:apk_path] sign_cmd << ["#{params[:alias]}"] if params[:alias] sign_cmd << ["-keypass #{params[:keypass] ? params[:keypass] : params[:storepass]}"] if params[:keypass] || params[:storepass] sign_cmd << ["-storepass #{params[:storepass]}"] if params[:storepass] sign_cmd << ["-tsa #{params[:tsa]}"] if params[:tsa] if params[:signed_apk_path] sign_cmd << ["-signedjar #{params[:signed_apk_path]}" ] Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::SIGNED_APK_PATH] = "#{params[:signed_apk_path]}" elsif params[:apk_path].include?("unsigned") sign_cmd << ["-signedjar #{params[:apk_path].gsub('-unsigned', '')}"] Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::SIGNED_APK_PATH] = "#{params[:apk_path].gsub('-unsigned', '')}" end, log: true) end ##################################################### # @!group Documentation ##################################################### def self.description "Sign a Android apk with a java keystore" end def self.available_options apk_path_default = Dir["*.apk"].last || Dir[File.join("app", "build", "outputs", "apk", "*release-unsigned.apk")].last [ :apk_path, env_name: "apk_path", description: "Path to your APK file that you want to sign", default_value: Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::GRADLE_APK_OUTPUT_PATH] || apk_path_default, optional: true), :signed_apk_path, env_name: "SIGNED_APK_PATH", description: "Path to the signed APK file", optional: true, is_string: true), :keystore_path, env_name: "KEYSTORE_PATH", description: "Path to java keystore", optional: true), :alias, env_name: "ALIAS", description: "The alias of the certificate in the keystore to use to sign the apk", is_string: true), :keypass, env_name: "KEY_PASS", description: "The password used to protect the private key of the keystore entry addressed by the alias specified. If not specified storepass will be used", optional:true, is_string: true), :storepass, env_name: "STORE_PASS", description: "The password which is required to access the keystore", is_string: true), :tsa, env_name: "TIME_STAMPING_AUTHORITHY", description: "The url of the Time Stamping Authority (TSA) used to timestamp the apk signing", optional:true, is_string: true) ] end def self.output ['SIGN_APK_PATH', 'Path to your APK file'] end def self.authors "nomisRev" end def self.is_supported?(platform) platform == :android end end end end